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Author Guidelines
Tasyri’ | Journal of Islamic Law is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on Islamic Law field. Tasyri’ Publishes two times a year since 2022. The Tasyri’ aims to provide readers with a better understanding of Islamic Law area and issues around the world through the publication either library research or research reports. The articles should be original, unpublished and not under reviewed for possible publication in any other journals. All submitted manuscripts will be blindly-reviewed by qualified academics in the field. This process may take several weeks or months.
Tasyri’ since manuscript submission year 2022, Authors should not pay some processing fees (Free Charges) for article processing and DOI maintenance once their articles has been accepted. And readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge. Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge.
Instructions For Author
Papers on the boundary of Islamic Law, non-plagiarism, never and not being published in other journals, prioritized on based empirical research, written in Indonesia or English (using Microsoft Word, Book Antiqua 12, 1 space) or Arabic (Microsoft Word, Sakkal Majalla 16, 1 space), A4, margin top and left : 4 cm, bottom and right : 3 cm. The text body in a one-column. The pages between 15- 20 pages. Submit to: here
The identity of papers requires; title, full name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, email, coresponden author, abstract (150 words at least), and keywords (3-5 words). The Title (15 words max, bold, Book Antiqua 11), name(s) of the author(s)(bold), affiliation, email, coresponden author(italic) use Book Antiqua 10, no spacing style.
The contents of papers for empirical research consist of introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion and
Introduction consisting of back-ground, literature review/ survey, problem formulation, record the existing solutions/ method, show which is the best of previous researches, and purpose (about 20% of the total body of the paper).
Materials and Methods consists of a description of research type, data collection, data source, data type, and data analysis. It is written in a paragraph form (about 10% of the total body of the paper).
Results and Discussion inform a number of important data field which obtained from the questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations and other data collection techniques. It can be completed with table or graphics to clarify the result. All figures and tables should be centered and numbered consecutively. The table name includes the number, name (in the form of the core of the table contents, if the table comes from another source, the source can be written at the bottom of the table), compiled in 1 page format without changing the body format of page. For the results of field research, the research methodology must be stated clearly, while for the results of the literature review the problem formulation must appear explicitly and the method of research must be written down (about 65% of the total body of the paper).
Conclusion: write succinctly and clearly the result of research then describe the logical consequence in developing science and praxis of Islamic Law. (about 5% of the total body of the paper).
Bibliography consists of reference and citations in the form of books, research results, and scientific publications in journals, 80% of which were published in the last ten years. Its refer to the Chicago Manual of style 17th edition (full note) by using manager reference (Mendeley/ Zotero/ Endnote).